Monday, November 1, 2010

We Will Show Top 10 Attractions Of Egypt

Egypt is in northern Africa and is one of the top tourist destinations in the world. No other country comes even closer to Egypt when it comes to the number of magnificent monuments, activities and places of historical interest. Over ninety percent of all Egyptian attractions are lined up along the River Nile so many places you can visit by taking a cruise on the Nile river (besides road and air transport). Since it is a popular tourist destination Egypt offers wide facilities for tourists.
Top 10 attractions of Egypt are:

1. PYRAMIDS: There are over 80 pyramids of Egypt, which were built mostly between 2600 BC and 1500 BC and all are located near the river Nile After the ruler died (or other prominent figures like real queens), their bodies were wrapped and preserved as a mummy, and placed in the pyramid. The most popular pyramids are the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx: An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 workers built the pyramids at Giza more than 80 years. Giza also has the largest pyramid known as "Great Pyramid" which rises an incredible 481 feet.

2. CAIRO: The Egyptian capital. Sightseeing in Cairo are:

market) Khan al-Khalili: Khan al-Khalili is one of the largest markets in the world that attracts local and international tourists. This is a great place for perfume bottles, but exotic Arab clothing and other memorabilia.

b) Egyptian Museum of Antiquities: We have more than one hundred thousand artifacts in 107 halls. The most popular attraction is the Tutankhamun Gallery.

c) Other attractions include the Pyramids of Giza (above) and Old Cairo.

3. Abu Simbel was carved into sandstone cliffs high above the Nile River's most famous attraction are the four colossal statues of 20 meters high of Ramses II, who guarded the entrance. When the waters of Lake Nasser to rise, the UNESCO were moved to higher ground between 1964 and 1968.

4.KARNAK TEMPLE: It is a huge complex consisting of three main temples and many smaller ones, the most famous among them is the temple of Amun. It is estimated that were built in a span of 1300 years.

5: Luxor Temple: The modern city of Luxor is the site of the famous city of Thebes, (or the city of a hundred doors). A row of sphinxes line the entrance to the Temple of Karnak. The section most famous of these temples is a great HipĆ³stila called the Grand Chamber.

6: Siwa Oasis: The area is famous for its dates and olives, and is one of the most beautiful landscapes and springs in Egypt. It was the most inaccessible oasis until recently. Power is 60 below the sea level.

7: Nubia Museum of Aswan, is designed to house the unique collection items discovered in archaeological excavations during the Nubia Campaign.

8. VALLE DE LOS REYES: The Valley of the Kings is located on the western bank of the Nile at Thebes. There are 62 tombs in the valley. Has two components - the East Valley and West Valley. It is the East Valley that most tourists visit and in which most of the tombs of the pharaohs of the New Kingdom can be found.

9: ALEXANDRIA: The best places to see are - Pompey's Pillar, Alexandria Library, Alexandria National Museum, King Farouk Palace and the Roman Amphitheater.

10: Sharm El Sheikh: The best places to see are - Mount Sinai, Naama Bay, the island of Tiran, Terrazzino Beach and Laguna Blanca.

Other attractions are the White Desert Egypt, Hurghada and felucca on the Nile

SAFETY INFORMATION: We have reported some terrorist attacks in Egypt in recent years. Check for additional information. In general, the crime rate in Egypt is low. Visitors should consult their medical insurance prior to travel. Egypt has the highest road death rate that would rather not drive yourself unless you are comfortable.

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